I just updated my blog comrades!!!

I have taken few blogs out that stopped updating or stopped visiting me!!!

The blogs that are gona be there are the blogs that I really love to hang around and I visit every day!! (actully every few hours i visit the blogs on my list)

Well what can I say!!! every one of you guys are fun to read!! I really enjoy reading your posts!!!
Lets see,,,
Absomaniac By Abs - Sorry abs I totally forgot about you,,, I like reading your blog for some seriousness in my reading life!! but for some time he stoped posting, and now he is back!!
Amjad's Blog By Amjad - He has interesting thoughts in his blog, through his blog I know he is a smart guy. I allways know what is going in Oman throught his blog.
A Sense of Wonder By Nella - I really enjoy her posts since she is funny & a bit sarcastic I think we have so much in common from games, music & animation that we like.
Divinity By TripleTee - Is the first blog I open first thing I wake up from sleep. She is an artistic & poetic person. I find her post to be funny and I tend to forget my troubles when I read her comments.
Elagante By Elagante - I know she is madly in love with shoe. Her blog does really show the person administrating it personality, funny & sarcastic.
Envy Me By Oblivious - I cant find a word to describe her!! but she is a great person & blogger, she might complain a lot & have strange way of showing her feelings but we agree that we hate "Strict Muslims".
Going Banana! By Sensation - I don’t know him that well but he sure seems fun to hang around! I would defiantly want to hang around him when I am back in Oman. His blog seems interesting like his personality,
Individual Diversity By M987 - No word to describe him, though he might be rude, but I love this guys blog! though he might have stopped but you never know whn he is gona drop a bomb in his blog like he did with his last post.
Lost & Confused By 3anooda - She is the reason I start blogging!!! I love to read her blog, and I consider her like the big sister I dream of having. I known her from a forum I am in.
Mad Brain By DiJo - she is not around since she have lots of studies to do. I enjoy her funny comments.
Paradise in Me By Kay - I love her posts, she is the first blog I have ever read, she is an administrator in the forum that I am in. she is a bit hard to understand, and we dont agree alot. and I really respect her. (She is also fun to annoy).
Sleepless In Muscat By Sleepless In Muscat - who doesn’t know the guy!!! his blog is educational and fun to read.
Some Kind Of Monster By Solidus - He is fun and throw a funny replay when u never expect it. I have known many good blogs through his posts.
Somewhere in My Mind By Dudi - Another big sister that I really respect & enjoy reading her poems. She is one of the best poets I have ever read.
Sweetness By Sweetness - a very talented photographer, I hope that one day she can show me her photo's and would like to know what she thinks about my photo's. she has a very enjoyable blog to read.
The Long Road By Snooky - I don’t know the guy well but he has interesting thoughts running around his blog.
Tomboy's cozy little space By Tomboy - she become a bit lazy, but I enjoy her sarcastic comments, and she is fun to joke around with.
Virtual Insanity By The lioness - Always posts interesting & funny video's which shows her funny personality!! she might never seen Oman but I could easily think she is an Omani.
Here you are guys!!! My feelings about you .
If you ever feel insulted about what I have said, then please say so... So I can say that I don't give a damn about how insulted you are...
Hahaha My comments? Awesome! XD
I complain a lot, you ass! :P, hehe..thanks!! you seem great yourself...thanks for reading my "strange way in showing my feelings" :P
Woooohoooooooooooo!!! I am "actually" on the list! Awesome!
Thanks man :)
You seem cool too :)
It's my pleasure and honor to be on this list. I'm really glad that you like my blog.
Wow, I didnt make the list, but what the hell, I aint complaining. You will continue to stick in my blog coz u're one of a kind blogger. Stay cool.
oh abs!!! i forgot about you!!!
hold on a min fat guy!!!
I will add you ASAP,,,
Ohhhh, you said much about me.Glad for that really ^_^
Well, all my photos are on my blogpage or on my flickr account ;>
Thank you yaa ;)
hehe ^_^ thanx man..
oh btw! i have a thing for dragons lol!
I'm glad you enjoy my posts and it's an honor ;)
I fell in love with you,
Will you marry me?
I’ll call a friend
I’ll bye you a shoe
Seriously, THANKS Red Dragon :)
dude, i didnt mean to say u HAVE to add me. I just wanted to say as long as u consider me a friend thats more than enough. It's cool though that u put me up there anyway!
Cheers buddy.
she is a bit hard to understand, and we dont agree alot. and I really respect her. (She is also fun to annoy).
me hard to understand? hardly, i'm just a bit more evolved then you thats why you are having a little difficulty. but its all good, you like annoying me and i like poking fun at you. its good u take it in good humor.
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