Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Drugs & Sex r Good,,,

To know the reasons watch the following!!!
Just for you to start your day my follow reader's,,,


Castelluca said...

hey! you should've mentioned that its 18+ or something! so that i wont check it! hmmm, even though i'm biologically 20..
but thats not the point!

P.S: was kinda funny i must admit XD

david santos said...

O dia 25 de Abril de 1974 foi o dia do derrube da ditadura fascista em Portugal, a chamada REVOLUÇÃO DOS CRAVOS, e a queda do (poder) dos inimigos do povo. 25 de Abril, sempre.

Day 25 of April of 1974 was the day of it knocks down of the dictatorship fascist in Portugal, the call REVOLUTION OF the flowers, and the fall of the power of the enemies of the people. 25 of April, forever!
يوم 25 نيسان 1974 كان يوم تقرع عليها من الديكتاتوريه الفاشيه في البرتغال والدعوة للثورة الزهور ، وسقوط سلطة أعداء الشعب. 25 نيسان ، الى الابد!

День 25 апреля 1974 года, в день он постучит в воздухе фашистской диктатуры в Португалии слово О РЕВОЛЮЦИИ цветы, и падение власти враги народа. 25 апреля, навсегда!
Le jour 25 d'avril de 1974 était le jour de lui frappe vers le bas du fasciste de dictature au Portugal, de la RÉVOLUTION d'appel des fleurs, et de la chute de la puissance des ennemis du peuple. 25 d'avril, pour toujours !
Tag 25 von April von 1974 war der Tag von ihm klopft unten vom Diktaturfaschisten in Portugal, von der Anruf REVOLUTION der Blumen und vom Fall der Energie der Feinde von den Leuten. 25 von April, für immer
25天41974年的一天,它拍下來的法西斯獨裁政權,葡萄牙 號召革命的鮮花,秋天的權力得到人民的敵人. 25日,永不停息

Anonymous said...

lol! This is indeed real funny! haha.. I can't believe they featured the kids in this program as well.

Anonymous said...

Omg. What a queer video!


Castelluca said...

^ i thought so too! i mean..whenever they came up with something i thought OMG! there are kids in there! and then i started thinking about their parents and how come they're on this show and..well, i had to watch it all over again coz i drifted XD